There are two popular bike parks fairly local to the Surrey Hills with purpose built features to provide the type of riding not available on the natural trails and a third is in talks for development.

S4P Bike Park

S4P Bike Park is just outside Godalming and is a dirt jump park with progressive lines from beginner through to pro and the sandy soil rides well all year round.

Rogate Downhill

Rogate Downhill is a bit further down the A3 near Petersfield and has a number of trails covering all abilities from blue to black graded trails and also rides well all year round.

Surrey Bike Park / Dorking West Dirt Jumps / Ranmore BMX Track

Surrey Bike Park was originally intended to open in summer 2021. The plan was to redevelop the Dorking West dirt jumps site with the site being leased by Mole Valley District Council to The Trail Academy for development.

The track was originally built on disused allotment land at Ranmore Road in 2003 by MVDC in partnership with the Mole Valley Cycling Forum. MVDC no longer have the money to maintain the site which has become overgrown and poorly maintained in recent years.

A two-week consultation in May 2021 saw 1,235 responses, of which 72% were in support. 270 people said they would volunteer to maintain the site if MVDC continued to manage it.

A decision on the site was due in June 2021 but was put on hold to allow further time for consultations and an ecologcal survey of the site to take place due to objections by some local councillors siting rare snails on the site and local residents who didn't want the site commercialised.

The Trail Academy reportedly withdrew their interest in August 2021.

A group called the "Friends of Ranmore Nightingale Bike Track" has been formed and MVDC are due to consider (8 & 22 March 2022) a recommendation for this group to manage and develop the site over the next 5 years.